The Koehler Center offers a variety of programs and services designed to encourage ongoing refinement of teaching through reflective pedagogy. Programs are available for graduate students, post-docs, teaching staff, adjunct faculty, and full-time faculty.
Faculty Interest Groups
A Faculty Interest Group (FIG) is a group of people with a shared interest in a particular aspect of teaching and learning. FIGs are intended to foster scholarly teaching and scholarship about teaching. While each FIG has a coordinator who is responsible for maintaining the group, the Koehler Center supports FIGs with organizational help such as finding meeting rooms and advertising.
Learn more about this program.
Feedback on your Teaching: MAPs & Observations
The Koehler Center facilitates ways to gather feedback and engage in reflection about your teaching. Classroom Observations and Mid-semester Analysis Polls (MAPs) both provide formative feedback to you as an instructor that can help you better gauge the effectiveness of your teaching and its impact on students’ learning.