If you are interested in teaching an online course, creating a new online course, or creating a new online program, the resources on this page will help you get started. Note that all new online courses are subject to departmental review.
Requirements for Online Instructors (eFaculty 2.0):
- Training must be completed before the official start of the online course:
- Please see the eFaculty 2.0 page for your specific training requirements.
- For federal compliance purposes, online courses must include regular and substantive interaction (RSI) between the instructor and the students, which are initiated by the instructor. Each week during the full duration of the stated session, including during the designated university finals period, features some sort of documented academic activity on the part of the students. Activity or engagement that is not related to course content, wholly optional, or initiated primarily by the students does not meet this requirement.
- All courses must meet the minimum ADA compliance to assist diverse learners needs. Course learning materials need to effectively engage, educate, evaluate, and accommodate diverse learners.
- Course learning goals and learning outcomes must be identified and mapped to coursework.
- To go live, a course must:
- Reviewed by Program Chair using TCU Online Course Guidelines.
- Implement all improvements identified as short-term / critical fixes before the official start date of the course. These requirements apply to both the initial offering of the online course and for any subsequent offerings of the course.